Vocal Anatomy Lessons with Shane
As a singer, your voice is your instrument, but we don’t often get to see how our vocal apparatus looks or learn how it works. In this course, learn about vocal anatomy and the instrument you take with you wherever you go!
Musical Theatre Choreography with Marlie - Part 2
Finish learning all the choreography for All That Jazz! Marlie breaks down all the new sections and then puts all the pieces together. Have lots of fun dancing around your room to the full song.
Healthy Singing Tune Up with Christina
Join Christina is a 6 part series that explores healthy alignment, diaphragmatic breathing and some core warmups to help you “tune up” your voice. All these tools can help develop your already amazing singing.
Shane Explains the Vocal Range
What do the words Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass actually refer to, and how do you figure out your own vocal range?
Play Chords and Sing with Andrea
Now is a great time to practice playing your instrument and singing at the same time. Andrea breaks down the steps so it doesn’t feel so challenging. Choose your own song to work on or try Lost Boy along with Andrea.
Musical Theatre Choreography with Marlie
In this course we will learn the moves for the Musical Theatre song All That Jazz! We will review everything from Term 2 classes and then finish the song. Open to those in Musical Theatre and anyone who wants to join!