Liam's 8 Easy Drums Beats, 8 Songs to Play Along With
This course is designed for anyone from beginner to pro. The videos provide a guide on how to drum to the same recognizable songs taught in 'Easy Guitar Riffs with Justin'. If you have a buddy that plays guitar you can both learn the songs and jam!
Katie’s Rhythm Course
How do percussionists think and talk about rhythms? In this course you’ll learn all the basic note values, how they relate to each other, and how to count them. Designed for musicians of all instruments.
Dan's 3 Over 2 Tutorial
In this video series, students will learn how to perform and internalize the 3 over 2 polyrhythm using a blend of alternating hand, foot, and counting exercises.
Ben's Rhythmic Tidbits
Rhythmic tidbit is a collection of fun challenges for all musicians/levels. Each class we will learn a breathing technique to get in the zone followed by a rhythmic exercise. These exercises will help you with your coordination between all 4 limbs.
Robin's Kitchen Jams & Body Percussion