Fisk’s Music Lego Project
Learn to assemble 3 note building blocks on guitar that get you practising scales, broken chords and melodic patterns. Jump start your fingering technique and musical understanding with 12 Musical Lego blocks you can use to hear and create music.
Todd’s World Building Project
Learn how using picture prompts and world building can inspire your songwriting.
Ben's Rhythmic Tidbits
Rhythmic tidbit is a collection of fun challenges for all musicians/levels. Each class we will learn a breathing technique to get in the zone followed by a rhythmic exercise. These exercises will help you with your coordination between all 4 limbs.
Shane Explains the Vocal Range
What do the words Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass actually refer to, and how do you figure out your own vocal range?
Play Chords and Sing with Andrea
Now is a great time to practice playing your instrument and singing at the same time. Andrea breaks down the steps so it doesn’t feel so challenging. Choose your own song to work on or try Lost Boy along with Andrea.
Ear Training with Alison
Being able to hear musical intervals and chord progressions helps musicians to be able to learn, sing, play, and write music faster and better. Learn new listening skills, then test them with a quiz!